MGPB - Puerto Barrios airport
MGPB stands for Puerto Barrios airport
Here you will find, what does MGPB stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Puerto Barrios airport? Puerto Barrios airport can be abbreviated as MGPB What does MGPB stand for? MGPB stands for Puerto Barrios airport. What does Puerto Barrios airport mean?Puerto Barrios airport is an expansion of MGPB
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Alternative definitions of MGPB
View 2 other definitions of MGPB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- MGMM Melchor De Mencos airport
- MGML Malacatan airport
- MGLL La Libertad airport
- MGHT Huehuetenango airport
- MGGT La Aurora airport
- MGFL Flores airport
- MGES Esquipulas airport
- MGCT Coatepeque airport
- MGCR Carmelita airport
- MGCB Coban airport
- MGBN Bananera airport
- MDWO Monte Cristi airport
- MDVV Villa Vasquez airport
- MDVA La Caleta airport
- MDTD Monte Plata airport
- MDST Cibao International airport
- MDSO Santo Domingo airport
- MDSM Cotui airport
- MDSJ San Juan De La Maguana airport
- MDSI San Isidro Ab airport